Applications for supervisory control computers are created using the TROL library in C/C++. Project configuration is prepared using TrolDatGen, while debugging and access to diagnostic data are facilitated by the TrolView program.
TROL – library
- CANopen master with simple access to communication data and the ability to define safe values for the system
- IP stack (UDP, ARP, ICMP)
- Process variable management including system simulation of each variable’s value
- Continuous logging of selected variable values into Flash memory
- Alarm system
- Process control
TrolDatGen – project configurator
The software allows for configuring CAN/CANopen networks including safe values, defining process variables, and specifying lists of variables for continuous logging.
TrolView – debugging and diagnostics
- Online debugging of applications
- Management of variables in scenes, including simulation
- Display of data from the alarm system
- Reading and displaying diagnostic data
- Monitoring CAN bus data, including simulation
- Control computer management (download, status)
TrolStudio | programovací a ladicí prostředí |
TROL | knihovna v jazyce C/C++ |
TrolDatGen | konfigurátor projektu |
TrolView | ladění a diagnostika |
- Programming environment, debugging, and maintenance tools
- Support for application development for superior systems
- Designed for development teams of application projects